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Body Groomer

Views: 254     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-02-01      Origin: Site


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What is the body groomer

A body groomer is a specialized tool designed for trimming and shaping hair across various parts of the body.Also known as body razors, body groomers are personal shaving tools that are used to trim, thin, and contour hair on areas of the body other than the head. These tools can be used by a personal groomer offering the service at a health spa or similar facility, or may be used in a private setting, such as the home. While both genders may use electric body razors for personal grooming, the devices are primarily developed for male grooming purposes.

Where Can Trim

The Arms and Legs

All we need is a good trim here so that your arm and leg hair is neat.


Unless you're particularly hairy, you won't need to trim your chest hair much. Keep the hair length it in proportion with the legs and arms otherwise, it'll look strange. Many men prefer to start trimming in the middle of the chest and work outwards from there.

The Armpits

Let's face it, the sight of armpit hair protruding out of the arms of a t-shirt is not a strong look. Armpit hair smells and holds a lot of sweat, so by trimming here you'll use less deodorant and you'll go easier on your shirts. Again, we aren't advocating going completely hairless. Here you don't actually shave the hair — you just trim it down so that it's shorter and doesn't protrude from your underarms. The short and trim look is both masculine and well groomed.

The Back

For many people, the first rule of back hair is that it shouldn't be there. Trimming your back can be a pain though, so perhaps the best method is to get your partner or friend to help you trim the hairs with your body shaver.

The Groin

Now things get a bit serious. First, lay the groundwork with a hot shower and if it's been a while, you might want to start with some grooming scissors. Do not use the beard trimmer here, getting loose skin caught in the grooves could be catastrophic. This body area is a proven to trap for bacteria so even a minor cut can cause infection. You want to make sure you are holding the skin taught wherever you are working. A trimmed undercarriage, at 1 to 2mm will keep you feeling cool, clean and fresh enough without risking ingrown hairs or any of the irritation of razor burn, itching or stubble. It will also mean that you can keep the front relatively natural.

Wenzhou BOYO electric appliance Co., Ltd. is a main professional supplier in beauty care electronic products & home electronic products in China. We have more than 10 years of experience in this field...
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